Winter is approaching quickly, so things might get tougher at your construction site. Properly winterizing your equipment and your project grounds could be the difference between being able to continue working effectively or having non-working equipment.
Here are a few things to consider as we move toward the colder months!
Be Prepared
We never truly know how harsh winter will be, so you shouldn’t leave anything up to chance. Start prepping your equipment for the cold and snowy winters now. Make sure to fuel up your machines regularly to minimize the space in the tank, which can allow condensation to form and allow water to mix into your fuel. You should also take some time to apply fresh grease and lubricants that are specially formulated to offer extra protection in the winter months.
Now is also the time to complete any routine maintenance tasks that would be harder (and more miserable) to do in the winter months. This can include changing any fluids, like oil or hydraulic fluid, and checking on the health of batteries.
Slow Down
Even if you have completed all the winterizing steps you need to, you could still be looking at serious damage if you run these machines at the same speed as you do in warmer months.
Overworking your cranes is a recipe for disaster, so understand the limitations of your equipment. Think about the absolute maximum they can do and take it down a few notches. Pay attention to any specific pre-operating procedures that the crane may need, including running the machines for a bit before getting to work or creating weight restrictions.
Keep Your Workers in Mind
The winter months can be difficult for heavy equipment operators if their comfort and safety aren’t considered. If you have the budget, invest in a crane that has a heated cab that the operator can sit within. Warm jackets, boots, and gloves can only do so much, so having a heated cab can help keep them more comfortable. You may also want to consider keeping chemical hand warmers available that can help provide a bit of warmth on even the coldest days on-site.
Having your crane set on high-quality crane mats can also be a big help. Crane mats can provide a stable and consistent platform, even if the ground below is freezing, thawing, or fluctuating in temperature. Mats can help to keep your crane safe and in its rightful place for the duration of the project in any weather.
Ritter Forest Products offers a full selection of crane mats for purchase or rental. As a trusted name in crane mats for over three decades, you can rest assured that you’re getting some of the best mats on the market at the best prices. Learn more today by requesting a quote online!