Tag: Pipeline Installation

Pipeline Work: Everything You Need to Know

Pipeliner safely working on sewage pipeline project with pipeline skids and mats

Pipelines run beneath our streets, cities, continents, and oceans. Without them and the energy resources they deliver, modern-day conveniences wouldn’t be possible. The pipeline network in the U.S. transport various products such as sewage and water; however, the most common products transported are for energy purposes, including natural gas, biofuels, and liquid petroleum. Pipelines exist… Read more »

Pipeline Installation in Houston, Texas

Pipeline Installation in Houston, Texas

JOB: Pipeline Installation LOCATION: Houston, Texas PRODUCTS USED: 8×16 laminated mat and 4’x20′, 4’x18′, 4’x16′ timbers for bridge work CONTACT: For mat needs in the Houston area contact Joey Holmes.