Dragline and laminated mats have shown to be effective for protecting the environment, but how exactly do they work? At Ritter Forest Products we sell mats all across the country and time and time again have seen the benefits these mats can produce.
Let’s start with dragline mats. A lot of times, heavy machinery is used in areas that have not been developed, so crews are working in areas still largely populated by forests and other natural areas. For the machines to get where they are needed, sometimes they must cross streams or unpaved, uneven terrain or poorly marked trails. As a result, these large machines can introduce erosion of the trail – particularly in wet areas – or even lead to unwanted sediment flowing into the surrounding area and the waterways.
By putting down a dragline mat, companies can protect existing bodies of water from outside influence from sediment falling into the water supply. These mats collect any debris that falls and protects the surrounding area. While it’s best to never cross streams at all, sometimes that’s not an option, and for companies that work in these areas, dragline mats are the safe and responsible solution to get workers and equipment where they need to be while protecting the surrounding environment.
Laminated mats work in a similar way. While there may be no streams or creaks in a given area, there can still be areas that are very wet. This terrain can be difficult to travel, and laminated mats can be placed end to end to provide a stable platform road, offering smooth access through wet areas while causing minimal soil damage. They are frequently used to minimize the amount of mud tracked onto pavement, and do an excellent job at preventing vehicles and machinery from getting stuck in soggy soil.
Springtime is notorious for wet weather, meaning that the ground you work on may be wetter than normal. If your worksite is in an area where there are waterways or saturated ground, think about laminated or dragline mats. With our mats, you can help protect the environment and the safety of your crew and equipment all at the same time. For a quote or to request mat rental for your job site, call us today at 800-426-9570.