When it comes to maritime shipping and transportation of heavy machinery, you want to make sure the equipment you use in the process will be able to get the job done while also protecting the machinery. That’s where the full range of mats from Ritter Forest Products can help. Our mats can be used in… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
The Use of Industrial Mats in Maritime Shipping
When it comes to maritime shipping and transportation of heavy machinery, you want to make sure the equipment you use in the process will be able to get the job done while also protecting that machinery. That’s where the full range of high quality mats from Ritter Forest Products can help. Different types of industrial… Read more »
Get Up, Set Up with Outrigging Pads and Transition Mats
At Ritter Forest Products, we’ve gained a reputation for our hardwood mats. These mats provide construction crews with a solid and stable base to work from, providing protection for employees, the surrounding work site and for the environment. Along with hardwood mats, we have a number of other products aimed at helping construction companies as… Read more »
Why You Need Crane Mats for Nuclear Plant Maintenance

Nuclear power has become an essential part of the electricity grid in the U.S. These plants are typically used as base load stations that provide a consistent and reliable source of electricity that can be supplemented by plants powered by coal, gas or renewable power. Each of the 100 nuclear reactors that are operating at… Read more »
Back to School, Back to Basics – A Mats Review
With school right around the corner, it’s important for students to have the right supplies to complete their work. The same can be said for any project that requires a mat, as having the correct one is imperative to the project’s success. As students gear up to get back to school, let’s do a pre-semester… Read more »
Protect Buried Utilities with Crane Mats

When working on a construction project, it’s important you do what you can to protect the area you’re working in. This includes the area underneath your job site that could contain power lines, drainage lines, or service pipes. If your project calls for heavy-duty machinery moving over land with utilities underneath, you’re going to want… Read more »
How Timber Mats Can Aid Disaster Relief Efforts
When natural disasters occur, it can change the landscape around us drastically. Areas that were once easily accessible can become compromised and unusable, making it hard for cleanup efforts to get going. That’s why if your city or town needs to start picking up the pieces after something such a hurricane, timber mats can help…. Read more »
Building U.S. Up: A Look Back at the First American Hydraulic Crane
Hydraulic cranes are so common these days that most people assume that they have been around forever, but that is hardly the case. Until the 1940s, the cranes that were available were difficult to operate, overly large, often undependable and incredibly costly. It was a tough time for project managers of construction projects everywhere until… Read more »
Soil Compaction and Crane Mats
The type of soil and weather conditions can play a significant role in safety and efficiency on job sites. On many sites, ground stabilization may be required for safety. Fortunately, in many cases, contractors can realize make the ground beneath them more stable and secure by using crane mats. Soil types vary between job sites… Read more »
Placing Pipes Easier with the Right Skids
Pipeline skids are incredibly valuable and almost always necessary during pipeline construction. Made from full cut oak timbers, pipeline skids are most often used for cribbing, racking and elevating sections of pipe used during large pipeline installation projects. For construction companies, pipeline skids provide long-term support for large pipes under heavy weight and harsh conditions…. Read more »