The Operating of Cranes

Hardwood mats can be used in a variety of industries for stabilizing surfaces. However, one of our most widely used practices is in the operating of cranes. Using mats is the first step to creating a safe environment for cranes, but is by no means the end of safety protocol. We’ve compiled a list of safety guidelines for crane operation that will ensure a safe and productive construction site for everyone involved.

Our safety tips are a bit different for those who are working near cranes, but not actually operating them. First, workers on any part of a construction site should practice constant vigilance in observing their surroundings. Even if a load is stationary, workers should avoid walking directly under the loading site. Avoid distracting or signaling to those operating cranes at all costs.

For operators, signal people, and hook-up crews, a training period should be mandatory. In addition to basic training, there are a few safety regulations that should also be observed. Always make sure that the equipment’s inspection and certification for use is up-to-date. Also, be sure to perform a preliminary operational inspection before using any equipment daily. Test the warning signal before beginning work. Loads should never be carried over areas where others might be working.

Following these procedures can virtually eliminate any and all injuries, deaths, and or lost-time claims in our field.

For more safety and usage tips, keep updated on our blog. And for all of your hardwood mat needs, contact Ritter Forest Products today!
